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6,000 grandparents, grandchildren to meet Pope Francis in dialogue between generations

4/23/24, 10:38 AM

Pope Francis will meet at least six thousand grandparents and their grandchildren for a dialogue between generations to be held at Vatican’s Paul VI Hall on April 27.

In a recent press conference hosted by the Holy see Press Office, organizers said the event will be sponsored by Italy’s Fondazioine Eta Grande (Old Age Foundation) and is aimed at bringing together grandparents and grandchildren in order to promote the role and contribution of senior citizens in today’s world.

The event seeks to draw Christian values that will highlight the rights of elderly folks and the corresponding duties of the community to them.

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said the foundation’s initiative seeks to present news perspective on old age while “underscoring the richeness of it and h9w it is not a burden but a resource for people of all ages.”

Paglia said senior citizens, on the other hand, must acknowledge that despite their age, they can still have much to give.

During the press conference the Catholic church official disclosed that there are 14 million senior citizens in Italy who require more knowledge on the political, economic, religious and cultural issues affecting them.

According to the archbishop grandparents through their bonds with their grandchildren could help create inter-generational warmth, understanding and harmony, as all range of generations depend on each other and cannot live separately from one another.

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